Sculpture-Film (Klein)
15 minutes loop.
Production : Groupe de Recherches et d’Essais Cinématographiques.
Sculpture-Film (Klein) is a hybrid between cinema and sculpture.
The principle is first to determine a volume, and then “fill” it with cinema. That is, to make a film from a sculptural logic. This is the reverse of the process used to create Film-Sculptures.
The volume selected for this piece was chosen for its remarkable properties, which cannot but suggest a particular content – the Klein bottle. It is a geometric curiosity – the only volume through which one can move indefinitely without ever encountering an edge and where it is impossible to define an outside or an inside.
These characteristics are at the origin of Sculpture-Film (Klein). The film is a 15-minute sequence shot, with neither a beginning nor an end. As such, it can be viewed in a loop. The point of view slips progressively and without interruption between an objective camera and a subjective one.
The action oscillates slowly between the intimate space of an apartment and the outside world. The same moment is caught in an impersonal way in a part of the sequence, and in first person in the other part (with all the cinematic conventions that first person perspective implies – the potential for memories, dreams… ), moving successively between these perspectives with no cut.
Here, dramaturgy is no longer considered from a narrative point of view, but a perceptual one.
As though emerging from a sculptural object, the film thus affords a wandering vision that is at times embodied, at others not – a vision that crosses the world with no truly defined subject.